Tuesday, October 17, 2017


One of the things I love about having this place to write things down is that it helps me sort through all of my feelings.  More often than not by the time I finish any post I have typically managed to weed out most of my negativity and find something positive to hang on to.  When I haven't written anything in a couple of weeks, it's usually because those weeks have been a bit rough for me and I have nothing constructive or positive to say about the situation.  Eventually I sit down and have a go though, because I really want to find something helpful, or maybe the better word is actually "hopeful" to get me through.

Such has been the case the past couple of weeks as I have contemplated the struggle of random pain.  Truth:  I get so scared when I feel pain in a place I've never felt it before.  Sometimes I get so used to pain in an area that I don't notice it so much.  Like with the zinging down my spine, the shooting pains down my shoulder in to my arm and the stabbing pains in my lower back.  Some pain you just have to learn to live with, and I get that, but some pain is a bit more scary.  Like the crushing pain behind my eyes I will sometimes randomly get at work when I am sitting under florescent lights or at home when I close my eyes and try to go to sleep.  What is the deal with that?  Closing your eyes is supposed to relieve pain, not increase it.  And that kind of pain scares the crap out of me because I know that some people with MS do lose their sight, whether a portion of it or all of it, temporarily or permanently.

Or how about a couple of weeks ago when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep and all of a sudden it felt like someone was sticking a long needle between my toes.  I'd never felt that before.  It was almost an hour before it subsided, and it seemed to only go away because Mike rubbed it out for me.  That's a scary kind of pain.

Another pain that frightens me is shooting pains or temporary numbness down the right arm, because that arm is usually just fine.  (Unlike my left that is partially numb all the time in the lower arm and hand, but then has shooting pain down the shoulder/upper arm area.)

The different, random pains I experience don't just irritate me because they are physically painful, but they can emotionally depress me or make me anxious too.  Some days I feel confident I can get through the day with Ibuprofen, Tylenol and a Diet Coke.  Other days I feel like I'm holding on desperately to the end of a rope and if I have to deal with just one more stupid symptom I'm going to lose it.  Those are the days it's really hard not to lose hope.  Truth:  There are more days like that than I ever care to admit, and I'm still learning how to deal with them.

This morning though as I read through a few verses of scripture, determined to find some peace, it was like a few words jumped right out of the page at me:  "Ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope..."  Hope... that little word seems to prick me in the heart a bit right now.  When they tell you there is no cure for something, it can be hard to have hope.  But the words were a good reminder that I need to press forward, (pressing implying active pushing through difficulties and obstacles), with a positive attitude and faith in Christ.  When I think about it, it is my faith in Christ that genuinely gets me through the harder days.  Priesthood blessings, prayers, the simple knowledge that the Savior knows what I am going through because he has suffered in the same ways as me, (and in many, many more ways than I ever have or ever will suffer.)  It is those kinds of things that help me to have the most hope.

Later this afternoon as I scrolled through my Pinterest feed, there it was again, that same word... hope.  Another little reminder but this time with a different connotation that I have actually never seen before but which definitely is relevant to my current situation:
Glad for the little random reminders I get... I definitely needed them today

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Another Birthday...

Mike Jr's original due date was September 22nd.  When he still hadn't arrived by Mike Sr's birthday, (September 27th), Daddy decided he was going to try and get him to come ON his birthday.  He drove me downtown to Washington DC over all the bumps and cracks in the road, he made me walk, (or more like waddle), around Brookside Gardens uphill and down for over two hours and did everything he could possibly think of to get Mike Jr here so they could share a birthday.  I can't tell you how deflating it is for a pregnant woman to go in to a WHOLE other month before delivering her baby, but this kid was a stubborn little guy and didn't come until HE was ready... October 1st, 1996.  The little snot is still as stubborn as a mule to this day, but I love him so much.

One of the hardest things for a parent is watching people pass judgement on your child.  This kid has such a funny, sweet personality.  He may have a potty mouth sometimes, (which I'm constantly calling him out on), but he is a genuinely good person with a heart of gold.  When he was in high school, many kids could not believe that he was Dee's brother.  The comments she got sometimes were almost funny to us, but a sad reflection on society.  "That's your brother?  I thought he was a drug addict!"  Nope, this kid has never done drugs or drank alcohol his entire life.  He has prided himself in living a "Straight Edge" lifestyle for as long as I can remember.  But the long hair and tattoo's bring such harsh stereotypes sometimes.  I have to say though, be careful how you judge people.  My baby may have long hair and tattoo's and not go to church, but my daughter drove home a lot of "good church going youth" who had partied too much to drive themselves and hid a lot more than that from their parents.

I love this boy so much, and anyone who truly knows him loves him too.  He has taught me that you literally can not judge a book by it's cover.  That lesson has helped me in many area's of my life... from simply talking to people around me, to actually hiring people, to just being able to love people for who they are.  My goodness, this world needs more love in it right now.  We need to be the kind of people who smile at others and are kind to everyone, even if they don't look, act or believe the same things as we do.  Life is too short to pass judgment and unless you have walked in someone's shoes, you have no idea what they are going through, or what battles they are fighting.  Things are not always what they seem.  (After all, there are plenty of people that know me pretty well who have no idea I'm battling MS, even now.)

Happy Birthday sweet Mikey.  How are you 21?!?!?!  I truly love you with every fiber of my being.