Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Gift That Keeps On Giving?

No, it isn't a wart.  It'a apparently a cyst caused by "leaky joints?"  All I know is it's gotten bigger since I had my regular doc take a look at it a couple of months ago and it has got to go!  (Yes, I may be overly sensitive about it, but it feels like it sticks out like a sore thumb.  (Except it's technically a sore finger.)  This stupid thing catches on everything and it's painful when it does! I feel like I have to explain it to everyone I talk to just in case they catch a glimpse.  It's ridiculous.

*Sigh*  Most days I do fine with everything but then out of the blue the smallest thing sets me off.  This is quite literally the smallest little thing, but it is causing me some grief this week.  I did a dumb thing and googled cyst removal and now I can't get the images I saw out of my head... it makes me physically sick and I'm afraid of going back to the doctor knowing they may have to do that.  Yep, after almost two years of regular doctors visits I still get kinda freaked out.

Don't mind me, I'm just having a bit of a pity party tonight.  Tomorrow is a new day, right?

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