Well, today has been a day. It didn't start well because I had some issues through the night so I got a grand total of 3 hours sleep. The alarm went off just after 5am. I can't tell you how many days I just want to roll over and go back to sleep, but I made the decision just under a year ago that I would get up every day and do my best, no matter how I was feeling. When you make a deliberate decision like that once, it stops you from having to make it every single day.
This weekend wasn't the best. Our big freezer in the garage broke and we lost most of the food in it other than a pile of steaks that had somehow managed to stay partially frozen and very cold, probably because there were several packs piled on top of each other. We were able to keep those in the refrigerator and grill them last night so we could slice it and refreeze it to use in burritos as needed. Everything else was toast.

It always pinches my heart to see that amount of food wasted, but as we tossed everything, I remembered back to another time that we lost an entire freezer worth of food when the kids were very little and money was quite tight. The door had been left open and we didn't find it for three days... I remember gagging and sobbing at the same time as I piled all the spoiled meat in to bags to throw away. I always bought meat when it was super cheap and we had it stocked piled, so it was a LOT... and throwing all that away was a huge blow to our budget. I also remember my sweet parents who brought us over two checks that night, (one from each of them), for us to go out and replace all the lost food. It still tugs at my heart and makes me tear up to think of their compassion and love for us. There were so many times that they did things like that for us back then... heck, they still do!
This time I admit I breathed a little easier, knowing that even though it was still a terrible waste, we are blessed to be in a much better financial situation than we were back then, and we will be ok.
Yesterday was memorial day but Mike had to work, so it didn't feel like a holiday. I did get to have sushi lunch with Dee and then we had mum and dad over to help eat some of the grilled steak with baked potatoes and salad. We spent the evening playing Five Crowns and had a good laugh together.
Still, after the long holiday weekend and no sleep last night, work was tough today. I was tired and grumpy and one of my teams accidentally missed an assignment, which NEVER happens. I wasn't angry... they got it completed within a couple of hours and I know they have been completely slammed the past couple of months, but I still felt crappy about it. I don't like to miss ANYTHING! However, I have created a couple of new reports that will help us track better going forward and am confident we will be able to stay on top of the workload. They really are an amazing team.
The rest of the day didn't go much better, so while I have been trying to take a hiatus from Diet Coke for the past couple of months, I gave in when one of my awesome team members dropped a can on my desk. They are so good to me and know me so well. This was literally the only way I got through today. Diet coke with sugar free raspberry and coconut syrups over pebble ice. Heaven!
Tonight I'm hitting the sack early and tomorrow is a brand new day. I've already made that decision to get up in the morning, so here's to a better day... and just think, it's hump day already. Bring on the weekend! :)