I am pretty proud of the fact that I work full time in the office 5 days a week. I have a good job with amazing benefits and I manage about 30 wonderful people that I love working with and who make my job quite enjoyable most days. I'm blessed that I can work an earlier shift so I get up fairly early, (5am), but I am able to leave the office most days by 3pm. I always tell people close to me that work gets the best hours of my day and they definitely do! I do reasonably well with energy levels in the mornings, but come 3:30, I'm pretty much toast. Real life confession: This is me most days when I get home from work for about 30 mins... no filters, just real life, washed out, pasty tiredness. :)

Yes, I suffer from somewhat awful fatigue, (see the meme at the top of this post for a rather accurate description of what MS fatigue consists of.) I'm not talking about the kind of tiredness that you feel after a late night... this is an almost inexplicable exhaustion that makes you wonder if you can function for even a minute more when it hits, but I am doing all I can to manage it and I think I do a decent job. (Most people have no idea I even struggle with this, so I call that a success!) I take prescription medications specifically for this symptom twice a day on top of vitamins to keep me going and I know that once I'm home I'll function much better for the rest of the night if I just take 30 minutes to rest. Then I'm up and making dinner and enjoying the evening with my fam. :)
The point of all this is that MS doesn't have to stop you from living life. You just have to figure out what works for you. Right now, this is what is working for me! If you suffer from MS fatigue, talk to your doctor and ask what medications are available for you. I take Amantadine twice a day, (the one that made me sick the very first time I took it, but that I gave a second chance), and it has been a game changer! (Before that I was falling asleep at 7pm every night. Now I'm up till 10pm most nights again.)
I'm so grateful for all the modern day medication that is available to help me deal with this. I refuse to give up.
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