Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Missing the boy...

It's been a long couple of weeks.  Mikey has been gone on tour with one of his bands.  They don't make a ton of money... usually just enough to get them to their next destination, but he absolutely loves it.  This is the longest one he has ever been on, (two weeks), and I miss him.  His dad misses him too.  In fact, he is always a little depressed when one of the kids are gone... tonight we went out to sit on the swing on the front porch and within minutes he was down checking on Mikey's car to make sure it started for when he comes home.  (It didn't... it needs a new battery.)  I do find his deep love for his kids to be extremely endearing, but I have no idea what he is going to do when they finally move out, ha!

Mikey will be home in a couple of days, so all will be back to normal in the Collins' home.  Meanwhile, I've enjoyed getting pics from all the different states he has been visiting.  He even got to spend the night at his Aunt Jenna's house in Texas.  They were so good to him and the band... put them up in their home and fed them... even went to his show!  Mikey just loved getting to visit with them and I was grateful to know he was being taken good care of for a night.

On another note, while we were out on the porch tonight, enjoying the AMAZING weather, I couldn't help but admire the little rose tree Mike planted for me last summer which has more than tripled in size... it's insane.  It was so heavy that we had to tie it down to the ground on one side to hold it up.  I need to trim the left side, because it is thicker and heavier than the right, but I can't trim it while there are so many buds... I just can't.  Here is a pic from a week ago:

And here was my view from the porch tonight!!!  

How crazy is that!?!?!?  It will bloom like this a few times over the summer.  (As soon as this set of buds fall off, I'll trim that left side.)  Yay for beautiful things and a hubby who fills my world with them... I always think of him when I hear the lyrics in the song "A Million Dreams" that say:

The special things I compile,
Each one there to make you smile...
(A Million Dreams, The Greatest Showman)

That is so him.  He just fills my life with beauty.  I'm a lucky girl. :)

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