Saturday, December 8, 2018

Playing Dress Up...

Mike and I are not generally the most social people in the world.  Our idea of a fun night is getting some yummy takeout and laying in bed watching a marathon of NCIS or CSI.  However, this year my work Christmas party was +1 for the first time ever and so I told him we were going! :)  It was seriously such a fun evening.  

Our culture committee who planned it went all out.  The theme was speakeasy, (1920's), and while dressing up wasn't required, it was strongly encouraged... and I thought we could use some fun in our lives right now!  They had appetizers, a stellar buffet dinner and desserts, a live band, black jack, roulette and craps tables and lots of drinks!  It was so great to see so many people I work with every day in a more relaxed environment and everyone there really seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves.  

My hubby is the most sport!  Personally I thought it was lovely to get to dress up and basically pretend to be someone completely different from the norm, but for him to do this with hundreds of people he didn't know made me love him even more than I usually do.  I literally drug him around the place introducing him to all my amazing team members and got to meet all their significant others too.  

I don't know how they will top this party next year, but it was the most beautiful way to start the holiday season with the person I love the most in the entire world.  I think it's going to be a fantastic month!

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