Friday, July 21, 2017

An unexpected gift...

I was caught a little off guard tonight when Dee walked in to the kitchen with an Alex and Ani bag while I was sitting playing cards with Mike and our parents.  It wasn't her carrying the bag that threw me off, because the girl owns like 100 of those bracelets, so to be truthful, I smirked a little when I saw that bag... but this time she actually handed the bag to ME.  I own 0 of those bracelets, or at least I did until tonight.

Dee had told me she was going to City Creek for the evening with a friend to eat at The Garden at the top of the Joseph Smith building because it was an item on her bucket list, but unbeknownst to me, she apparently had another mission down in Salt Lake after she had seen an an email advertisement that had been delivered to her inbox...

As I opened the bag and the box inside I will admit I was a bit confused at first to see a cupcake charm on a silver bracelet in the box, but it only took her 1/2 a millisecond to point out what was on the cards...

It's hard to put in to words the emotions that went through my head at that very moment, but I will tell you it took everything I had in me not to ball like a baby, and it certainly didn't help my emotional state to learn that she had bought herself a matching one too.  I get teary eyed just thinking about it. Thank you my Dee for a gift from the heart.  Love you. <3

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