Thursday, July 6, 2017

Because sometimes life has to feel normal...

I've been having a crappy week.  The oral steroids are still in full effect.  I have, what, 6 more days to go? Last night I hit a little bit of a low point.  I worked a full day, stopped at the store to pick up a handful of groceries, came home and made dinner and then I literally collapsed on the couch.  My family went over to help my mom and dad unload some stuff from the Hummer in to the new house. I couldn't go... there is no AC at the new house while they are doing part of the remodel and it is about 100 degrees outside.  Heat is my worst enemy right now.  It makes all my symptoms worse.

As I sat on the couch waiting for them to return, fully drained, feeling unable to barely move never mind function, I felt this pressing pain behind my eyes.  Good hell, what is this now?  I had a little episode earlier in the day in my office where my eyes felt a little painful, like there was something pushing behind them making them feel heavy and hard to stay open, but I chalked it up to the fact that my office feels 10 degrees hotter than anywhere else in the building despite the fact that I have two fans going in there.  It passed after I walked around the 3rd floor of the office building, but here I was having it happen again, doing nothing but sitting in my perfectly 72 degree cooled home, underneath a ceiling fan.  I just closed my eyes and waited it out.

By the time the fam got home I wasn't moving.  Mikey Jr actually fixed me a plate of food without anyone asking him.  You have to know Mikey to know that this is probably the first time he has ever done that... in his life.

After I swallowed some food I watched as my hubby, who had worked a full day and then helped unload my mum and dads stuff, did three loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, made the bed and got me to the bedroom.  It was 9:45 before he laid down next to me, and I was an emotional wreck.

When I woke up this morning I decided he needed some pampering too.  I put in my day at work, came straight home out of the heat and then cleaned our bathroom including our big jet tub.  It took me an hour and a few breaks, but I did it. :)  I finished just in time to get his text that he was on his way home.  Perfect.  I ran a hot bubble bath, got him a big glass of iced fruit juice with some berries and cookies, lit a candle and waited for him to get home.  After ushering him in to the bathroom to relax, I went and cooked his favorite greek marinated pork dinner and called it a day.  Completely lame after all he is doing for me?  Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.  But it is what I had in me to give today and I wanted to give it.  I love this man so much.  I'm so blessed to have him in my life always, but especially right now.

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