Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My new little friend...

Say hello to my new friend.  I have been trying to think of some kind of exercise that I could feel motivated to do, even when I'm tired.  When we were in Hawaii I went down to the gym with Mike one morning and tried out one of these and loved it.  This little guy sits right next to my bed, facing the TV.  We have an entire exercise room in the spare room above the garage with a big weight machine, a treadmill and an elliptical, but sadly, I can't always find the motivation to walk up the stairs... pathetic? Yes.  But it's the truth.

This is definitely not the most beautiful bedroom decoration, but it's a constant reminder that I have no excuse not to get off my butt.  Even if I'm feeling so tired, I can literally crawl three feet to set myself on it and ride for 30 minutes watching food network or some other mindless television program that helps pass the time quickly.  I've had it for a couple of weeks now, and I quite enjoy my time on it... plus I don't feel guilty for not doing any exercise and I feel mentally better about doing SOMETHING to try and improve my health. 

Once the holidays are over, I will make sure it is a DAILY thing, rather than the spotty every other day thing that I've been doing while we have so many holiday events going on.  I have a helpful rule in place that I can't hang anything on it or put anything on the seat.  We will see how it goes I guess!  I'll report back the end of January. :)

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